
My 15 Minute Bagoong Rice

Hello guys I'm back.  I know I've been out for so long.  Sorry but I also have life outside internet.  But don't worry I'm making up with everybody by sharing a simple recipe for everyone.  Got hungry earlier and I decided to cook another fried rice.  I called it Jori's 15 Minute Bagoong Rice. 

You heard it right it only took me 15 minutes or probably even lesser to prepare this dish.  It is not a very complicated recipe.  My Ingredients just consists of a leftover rice with pepper, oyster sauce, meaty seasoning and egg (combiner).  After mixing the rice,  get a teaspoon full of Bagoong Alamang and put it on a hot pan with oil and then after several seconds put the rice mix.  Mix the rice as you steer fry it on the pan until the mixture is evenly mixed.  Then fry an egg for your toppings.

I really like it when an experiment taste terrific.  I hope you guys like it ;)

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